Friday, July 26, 2013

7/26 Reflection

7/26 Reflection

A small snippet of some take-aways and wonderings from this class...
  • I really enjoy the concept of blogging, and never really considered it as a tool for education and/or professional development until this week. 
  • Where, in my work with staff, can I point them in a direction and allow them to create their own learning?
  • What would a Wiki for instructional technology resources look like at SHS?
  • How might staff meetings change if our admin team incorporates and models more instructional technologies?
  • How do I balance my desire to change the world of education with my staff's reality of an ever-increasing work load and pressures of education?

7/26 Notes

  • Air Server - work around for Apple TV - allows your mobile device to display on laptop or computer (which, if connected to a projector, will then be displayed for all to see)
  •  Sugata Mitra 2010 TED Talk  - 
    • Amazing experiment showing how young, under educated children can interact with a computer and learn at amazing rates without direction or input from a "teacher."  What are the implications of this on our schools?  
    • How many educators might find this intrusive on their "careers" and dismiss it out of fear?
    • "If there's stuff on Google, why would you need to stuff it into your head?"
    • Does he really mean we don't need teachers, or is he saying teachers must adapt to a new model where adults facilitate learning?
    • What would happen if similar experiments were conducted with 15 year old's, 18 year old's, 25 year old's?
    • Is 1:1 really the direction we should be heading?  Would we miss out on learning as a social construct through dialogue, sharing, creating learning as a community?
  • Presentations:
    • Margaret: Why Right Brain People Will Rule the World - Theory that we are on the verge of transitioning from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age
    • Noelle: Drive by Daniel Pink - Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose = the three things that create motivation
    • Eric: Prepping his presentation to staff in his new district exploring our learning this week
    • Rob: Personal device policy development plan
    • Kara: "Don't Make Me Think" by Steve Krug - Strategies in developing an effective website
    • Bobby: iMovie showing his process/path/growth this week and where it may be leading him in the future...
    • Jody: Prezi "The Power of a Story" - 
    • Cherie-Anne: Notability - A great tool for general note taking, but it can also be used to provide immediate and simple feedback from classroom walkthroughs
    • Becky A: Professional Technology Goals (SMART Notebook, Google Docs, Classroom Blog)
    • Becky S: Tech Plan to Support ELL Teachers (Flipped PD, ELL Blog, Data Collection for Small Districts)
    • Christy: Creating Innovators (Tony Wagner) - 7 Main Things (Think Critically and problem solve, collaborate, adapt <agility>, initiate, analyze, communicate, imagine <be curious>)
    • Amy: Video around 21st century skills and how to prepare our students
    • Jared: The Station - Radio station at Merlo
    • Lisa: My project is my process... Integration of video, sounds, editing, google docs into a single piece
  • Design of class is really about pointing folks in the right direction and letting us and our colleagues pave our own way and create our own learning...

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